Urinotherapy does not have to part of our life style, but it is very helpfull for people in serious situation or in cases that other things does not work.
There is a lot of prejudices against UT,but today it is already tought even on medical universities as a common subject(Japan,Mexico)

Friday, 5 March 2010

Secret of urinotherapy

When i have read for the first time about urinotherapy, from czech doctor Mudr.Partykova i was amazed by that book. I saw it as a best book written about health which i know. From begining to the end it was just boosted by fascinating facts and informations that one is really interested to try that, even if that may sound weird, to drink our own urine.

For that i quess we need to have a bit different look on urine and urinotherapy.
For the biggest sceptics i must say that this method of healing is today even tought on medical universities, mainly in Japan and Mexico, and alternative doctors have a best results.
Also is good to know that in India is urionotherapy used for thousands of years by yogis, and it is taken as a holly ritual, to drink morning glas of urine.

People may have a lot of prejudies about our urine, but actually it is our own blood plazma.
It contains many minerals and nutritions and it have extremely strong healing properties, we will talk about that latter.

How to start?
Well, if you want to really improve your health, then you have to take it as a complex work. It means that basic of urinotherapy is right diet.
You can´t have scrambled eggs with salty bacon, chees and bread and after expect that your urine will have tasty flavour.
Urine of person on typical meat,diary diet taste just aufull.
And one who is only on fruit diet can enjoy his urine which taste just light fruit juice,sweat with nice smell.
Just immagine the different quality of blood..if urine can be not drinkable, or sweat and tasty. Our urine is just reflexion of quality of blood.
But there is also middle way.It is recomended to give up meet and diary for period of healing, and to have minimum salt.
If you don´t want only raw food cooked rice with vegetable should be comfortable alternativy.

If somone is not willing to change diet, but would like to get at least some benefit of urine, then there is possibility of using urine as healing by information.
That means that urine has huge power to prevent body from illnesses.
You can use only small amount of urine mixed with watter, and it will a lot of things. But of course it is not the best solution with best results.

Then if you are willing to change your diet you can start to drink urine without mixing with watter.
Mixing makes urine weaker, than is recomended to drink it as it is.
Best urine is in the morning, it contains the best energy, it is not poluted by stress.
We have to use only middle part in morning, first and last pour out.
Then is good to drink urine before sleeping, daily recomented amount is about 0.6 dcl, if you want to reach strong healing proces.
You can devide it on two or three parts. You should not eat half an hour before and after.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Diferent uses of urine

droping under the tongue
In case that body is not purified and urine does not taste well you can start with dropping under the tongue.
You can start with 5-10 drops and see how your body is reacting.
It has to be a few time a day for 6 weeks and after to take week off and again continue.

Drinking of urine

When we start with drinking of urine we should first change our diet.Hight protein diet is not recomended,best one is fruit or raw food diet.
Maximum amount should be 600 ml,best urine is in the morning.

Here you can use yogi way of cleaning of nose called neti


If you will use urine for net you can very strong cleaning of all nasal ways and even clear your brain.

For cleaning of mouth and fighting with viruses you can use urine for gargling.

Very efective to treat asthmatic problems and alergies.
Mix old urine(read bellow) with bot watter and cower head by towell and beath by nose, remember to release pressure in ears by ¨empty swallowing¨...
10 or 15 minutes is enought.

I just want to inform you about this way of using urine as most effective, but is has to done under expert in very serious cases. You can heal so much illesses almost immidiatelly. If you are interested in that way of using, having serious reason, just contact us.

Very good for children, or in case of strong toxicity of body.
For making of homeopathy you will need one part of urine, mixed with 9 parts of watter, put it in botlle and shake it 50x. Then take one part of that and mix it again with 9 parts of watter and do the same 6x

-cleaning of body by skin
-healing of skin illnesses
-stimulating of acupressure points
-healing of internal organs
-cosmetic agent
-siporting grow of hair
-regeneration of skin

Best is to use old urine or evaporated(boiled) on 1|4 or original amount

Old urine is very effective for treating of body on skin or even cleaning of mouth.
It can be use from 1 to 6 days old urine.
Very effective against loosing of hairs.

This is also very effective way of using urine. There is theory that by boiling is activated certain energy in urine which is also in body if we feel we need to protect ourselves. Then this energy has very strong healing effect.
Boiled urine is alo recomended for external use, but you can use it for mouth cleaning if you have for example problems with teeths.